Since the dawn of civilization, humans have tried to exploit the tremendous potential of Enzymes as Biocatalysts. Only in the last century Biotechnology research has opened the treasure chest and challenged the realms of protein science to replace harmful and harsh chemicals by Enzymes in an environmentally sustainable manner.
11 December 2017
Mr Debayan Ghosh Founder & President, Epygen Biotech

Global oil industry is closely looking at environment friendly processes and ecological sustainability, it is becoming more and more relevant to embark on biological substitutes against harsh chemicals in the crude extraction process.
Starch, Xanthan, Cellulose, or Guar based Biopolymer used in clean drill-in fluid would deposit an impermeable filter cake on the borehole wall. This barrier must be completely broken in order to maximize production rates.
As the Pulp and Paper industry evolved from paper making art to a complex science, newer challenges emerged from time to time. Compounded by pressure from environmentalists to conserve resources and shortage of natural raw materials resulting in higher waste paper recycling with water closure, these challenges mounted. To face this, Epygen is striving to provide unique enzymatic solutions to Pulp and Paper industry which not only enhances productivity and quality of paper, but also saves the environment and cost.

Enzyme application in the Textile Industry started centuries back with the usage of Amylase for starch removal in De-sizing.
Today Enzyme scientists have developed specialty enzymes to simplify many chemical processes in the Textile preparation and finishing. Epygen Enzyme Scientists have tried to understand the complex nature of a natural substrate as in cotton and improve efficiency of enzyme usage by customizing the Enzyme Protein.
Modification of hydrolase enzymes to suite extreme working parameters has given rise to Epygen range of detergent enzymes for including in commercial detergent formulations. These specially designed enzymes are suitable for both house-hold and industrial use as they offer usage at moderate temperature and pH suitable for todays laundering conditions. Epygen offers a wide range of detergent enzymes which are effective at low temperatures and high alkalinity ranges. These enzymes are perfectly compatible to other ingredients in a detergent, like builders, surfactants and bleaching chemicals.

In today’s scenario, Leather Industry is facing tremendous pressure from the environmentalists being seen as a highly polluting process. But, as the Leather production world wide shows steady growth, this oldest industry using natural material looks at Biotechnology to clean up the process.
Epygen offers a range of Protein and Fat hydrolyzing enzymes, specially developed to cater to the needs of the Leather Industry. Selectively Hydrolizing unwanted protein and fat substances, the hide or skin is prepared for accepting advanced techniques of todays leather processing.
Facing the primary challenge to meet the economic goals, Epygen scientists are deploying their vast knowledge on cellulose hydrolysis to produce fermentable sugar in an efficient way, both by engineering the Carbohydrase Enzyme itself and improving the conversion process many fold by Bio-process development.